Business Plan
Its a solution if you look at the market, the product, competitors, your goals and how you plan to achieve these goals.
Market Analysis
Think of the arena, which works: your customers, market forces facing your company, suppliers, competition and market trends. Strengths and weaknesses compared to its competitors, and to identify opportunities.
Download Analyis Market
The valuation of the company
What are the needs of the customer and is formed the vision of your company with these requirements? Look at your products and distribution channels and distribution. Identify the reasons why customers choose your business over your competitors. Combine the strengths and weaknesses with the opportunities. What challenges could arise from the actions of others? What you need to do to take the language of opportunities and face the challenges?
Download Business Assessment
Objectives, strategies and action plans
Calculate if your business objectives with measurable indicators. Be specific. The plan, when and how you can measure the results (business growth, improve financial accounts, increased market share, higher service levels, improve delivery options, etc.) How do you plan to achieve the objectives that we set for ourselves? What strategy do you use? Tactics that you use to implement this strategy? Or is the impact on your company, for example, requirements changes, transaction or financing organization?
Download Objectives, Strategies and Plans
Safra Bank Small Business Resource Centre is a simplified tool, which provides information of a general nature and reflects only the information that you order. The Bank Small Business Resource Centre Banco Safra qualifier is not a loan. As a result, the International Bank of Dubai is responsible for results, not for anything they could do to rely on the outcome. Without prejudice to the specific instructions about your business or financial condition or cash flow may consult with the Small Business Specialist.